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Letter inviting support for new radio station
not yet on the air, 1962

KRAB man, 1965? (Duck Press)
(Courtesy Ann Lindsey

IRS says its deductible, 1965 (Duck Press)
(Courtesy Ann Lindsey)
KRAB felicitations' beatified tax status
Lorenzo Nancy james& rexroth
how happy the life unembarrassed
by the cares of money
pacience is an heigh
vertu certeyn |


The Great Carpet Sweep, Nov 5, 1966
(Courtesy Scott McDougall)

Return envelope, outside, 1966
Fight Ear Pollution

Return envelope, inside, 1966

Piano Drop ticket Apr 28, 1968

Fancy fundraising, 1968-1969

Fancy fundraising, 1968-1969

Marathon Apr 1972
Endless Despair Press

Tiny Freeman for Congress, 1972

Tiny Freeman for Congress, 1972

Clovis 1973

A Child's Christmas in Wales
($2.00 tickets) Nov 30, 1974
From the Nov 1974 program guide: "Dance Gallery, formerly of Utah, now settled in Seattle, will be performing among other works the Seattle premiere of "Owl & The Pussycat" and "Child's Christmas in Wales". The latter piece will be directed by Linda C Smith, who will be coming to Seattle from N.Y. State University especially for this work. The Company consists of Andrea Olsen, Peter Schmitz, Katherine Sanderson, Michael Dickinson, Patrick Caplis and Laurie Dill. They have toured extensively throughout the west prior to establishing residency in Seattle, last January." |

Arts, Craft's, folk music, and a witch in the Firehouse engine bays, Dec 1974
KPFA had held one for years, so we figured why not put all that space on the first floor of the fire station to some use. Maybe we could raise some money. So we announced the event, and Bob Weppner started getting phone calls from prospective performers - everything from bluegrass and folkmusic to the Wisdom Marionette Troupe. The person thought to be a magician turned out to be a "witch". After climbing to the stage, she proceeded to light candles, and spread some bowls of liquid around herself. As surreptitiously as possible I slipped upstairs and retrieved a fire extinguisher, just in case things should get out of hand. By the time I returned, half the crowd was cheering her on as she removed her clothing, while the rest improvised sound effects of scary wind storms. Eventually, she became discouraged, and gathering her things disappeared into the afternoon. Several months later, sometime long after midnight, I ran into her at the Hasty Tasty where she put a spell on me.
On Saturday the 14th, in the music studio upstairs Frank Ferrel "emceed" KRAB's First Giant On-the-Air Fiddler's Contest. For photos of the firestation and engine bays in earlier days, see the Dec 1974 Guide. |

Apr 20, 1975
(Courtesy Shawn Crowley)
More cash from the engine bays, 1975 |

Marathon Nov 1975 (white)

Marathon Nov 1975 (blue)

The BankAmeriKRAB - Your ticket to financial well being
(Courtesy Bruce Greeley)
Walt Crowley's Bicentennial idea, 1976

Benefit Mar 19, 1977

Benefit Oct 8, 1977
Thanks to Art Chantry, we can now say the artist for this poster was Carl Smool
See also Uncle Cookie thanks Patchman |

Cougar Mountain Dec 1978

Bumper sticker 1978

KRAB cruise
Jul 27, 1979
(Courtesy Nick Johnson)

That's Nov 24, 1979
(Courtesy Steve Rabow)

Rock and Roll marathon Jun 6, 1980

City Fish has a KRAB for you
(Courtesy Robert Horsley)

Gift subscription form - inside

Gift subscription form
- outside

Moving again?
(Courtesy Robert Horsley)

KRAB button

Traff Hubert researching KRABjazz

Shazam flyer

Shazam flyer

KRABphones-bicycle helmet
(Courtesy Dennis Flannigan)

T-shirt by Chuck Pennington
(Courtesy Dennis Flannigan)

Vintage Rock T-shirt
(By and courtesy of Gregg Whitcomb)

Another T-shirt
(Courtesy Gregg Whitcomb)

Edible Radio T- shirt
(Courtesy Glen Beebe)
If you possess any souvenirs (program guides, tapes, or photos) or have a story about your experience with KRAB you are willing to share, please email
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