The KRAB Archive
Mike Acker |
Gary Alinder |
Tracy Alle |
Norm Alquist, engineer, fabricator of electronic devices |
Harry St Amand, KRABgrass, 1975 (deceased, 1955-2005) |
Jim Anderson, volunteer coordinator, programmer |
* |
Phil Andrus, folk music, nw folklife festival, environmental education |
Andy de los Angeles |
Anna Louise Strong Brigade |
Ellen Aquino |
* |
Norm Arkans, On the Foul Line |
Susan Auerbach |
Tad Austin |
Gage Averill |
Luis Aviado |
Steve Baber |
LeRoy Backus |
Michael H Bader, legal relief (d. Nov 2, 2001) |
* |
Gary Bannister, music director, programmer (d. Oct 18, 2010) |
Phil Bannon, engineer, announcer, guide overseer |
Bob Baron, Madman Moskowitz (d. Aug 18, 2006) |
Py Bateman, business manager - Presentation at UW in 2010 - Py is the single female. |
Norman Batley, Life Elsewhere |
Scot Beattie |
Carla Becker, programmer |
Shantha Benegal, Music of India |
David Bennett |
Artemia Benitez |
* |
Karen Berge, production assistant, Poetry Windows |
David Berger |
Bob Bevis, guide layout and printing |
Judy Bierman |
Marty Bick |
* |
George Bigley |
(Not So Straight) John Bixler |
Onol Bilkur, Turkish music |
Trim Bissell, commentary |
Sasha Bley |
Barbara Blunt |
Kathy Bottoms |
Jeff Boyce |
Daniel Bradac |
Richard Brender |
Doris Brevoort |
Beliz Brother |
James Brow |
Judy Brow, née Buck (1940-2019) |
Greg Brown, engineering |
Sid Brown |
Steve Brown |
Terry Brown |
Bruce Bubatz |
Ed Buchanan |
Vernon Buck |
Robert Burk |
John Burke |
* |
Libby Burke |
Natasha Bushnell |
Cliff Butler |
Fern Cades, production supervisor, Antioch intern 1970 |
Joe Cain |
Kathy Cain, jsmf trustee |
David Calhoun, announcer/engineer, and original manager of KBOO |
Doug Campbell |
Mae Campbell, Sea-Tac Gospel train (d. May 26, 1992) |
Ron Campbell |
Charles Canada |
Larry Cantil |
Jim Cantú, jsmf trustee, Nuestra Ovia Realidad, |
Richard Carbray, commentary (d. Oct 16, 1998) |
Gary Carlson |
Paul Carlson |
Chas W Carpenter (program log Mar 7, 1965) |
Janine Carpenter |
Sharon Carson |
Barbara Castleman, bijou theatre |
John Caughlan, commentary (d. Apr 17, 1999) |
Cornell Cebrian |
Margaret Ceis, jsmf trustee (d. May 23, 2012) |
Art Ceniza |
David Chaddock |
Clint Chapin |
Tom Cherry |
Annabel Chotzen |
Jim Christie, program guide design |
Jeff Christensen, guide production |
Louise Clark |
Geraldine Cole |
Jan Cole |
Steve Coleman, Radio Albion, Ned Ludd Presents |
Alf Collins, commentary |
Ray Collins, see March 5, 1979 9:00 pm |
Angel Colon |
John Comstock |
* |
Byron Coney, legal relief, commentary, jsmf trustee |
Celia Congdon |
Clare Conrad |
Jim Conrad |
Alister Conway, public affairs director |
Dan Cook |
Tad Cook |
Kevin Cooney |
Bob Costello |
Giovanni Costigan, commentaries, (d. Mar 24, 1990) |
Sally Covert |
Joanne Craig |
Paul Byron Crane, Helix Radio Theatre |
Gouda Cremora, Ham Radio Hours |
Dale Crouse went off to WYSO and set up a tape exchange |
* |
Shawn Crowley |
Walt Crowley (1947-2007) |
Cubby, bijou theatre |
Rich Cummings, Old Rock |
John Cunnick, seepage |
David Cutler |
John Daily |
Jeff Dann, ethnic zonk |
Josh Darsa |
Frank Davidson |
Bill Davies, construction |
Chuck Davies |
* |
Benjamin F Dawson, engineering director, jsmf trustee |
Lorna Dawson, guide layout |
Lowell Dawson |
Roger Day |
Joseph de Saucier |
Bob Deardorf |
Peggy Deleers (Engel), Jawbreaker |
Bill Dempsey |
Betsy Dennis |
Pat Devine |
Rusty Dewitt |
Elmer Dixon |
Nxon Do |
* |
Roger Downey, sunday (a program of satire and burlesque) |
P J Doyle, new books |
Laurie Drabble |
Mike Duffy, jsmf trustee, classic/vintage jazz, classic jazz (d. May 23, 2015) |
Jim Duncan, Assist Program Dir |
Keith Dunn |
Bob Dunshee, Sunday announcer, occasional programmer, and bagpiper extraordinaire (KRAB guide 94, Aug 22, 1966: "Bob Dunshee meets the man-eating bagpipe" |
Lucy Dunsmoor |
Tom Eckels, chief engineer |
Doug Ekblade, station manager 03/1977 - 03/1978, volunteer producer to 1982 |
Don Ellis, commentary |
Judy Ellison |
Karen Engstrom |
Dan Eskenazi (Captain Kilocycle), Ham Radio Hours |
* |
Will Estill, donated off the air recordings |
Ginny Etter |
Frederick B Exner, commentary (Exner Records) (d. Dec 16, 1976) |
Joe Fabitz |
Rene Fabre, programmer |
Charlotte Farr, Music for a While |
Roger Ferguson |
Rebecca Fields |
Nila File, assistant manager, bijou theatre |
Candy Finch |
Gary W Finholt, board operator, photographer (Jul 22, 1941 - Apr 6, 2020) |
David Finkel |
Don Finkel |
Zoe Finkel |
John Finnegan |
James Fisher |
* |
Jeff Follette, music director |
Dave Follman |
Cecilia Fong, CMC |
Fredericka Foster (Im/Expressions: Magazine of the Arts) |
Henry H Fowler, personnel |
Dick Frahm, Deleted Records |
Randy Francisco |
Richard Frank, African music |
David Frankel, Antioch intern 1973 |
Ricardo Frazer |
Tiny Freeman, bluegrass (d. Jun 13, 2013) |
Robert Friede, music director, jsmf trustee (Aug 12, 1940 - Nov 7, 2015) |
Trudi Friede, subscriptions |
Frank Fujii, jazz (Jan 14, 1930 - Oct 3, 2016) |
Cecilia Fung |
(d. Dec 4, 2007) |
Tenley Galbraith |
Peggy Gallaher |
Barbara Gallant, chldren's programs |
* |
Jon Gallant, deleted and foreign records, minister of science, jsmf trustee |
Alice Gant, guide cover artist |
Dave Gardner |
* |
H Ted Garfield, News |
William Garling |
Melissa Garman |
Jamie Garner |
June M Garre |
Andrew Garrison, Antioch intern 1974 |
John Gerke |
Tom Gibbons |
Stacey Gillard ("Stacey's Mood") |
Ron Ginther, bluegrass |
Laura Glauberman |
Fred Gleason |
Sue Godfrey, the afternoon program |
Kim Godson |
Ann Golberg, guide cover artist |
Tony Goldenberg |
Val Golding |
* |
Linda and Leonard Good |
Dean Goodell |
* |
Leila Gorbman, Ham Radio Hours, program director |
David Gorden |
Bruce Gordon |
Terry A Graham (program log Jan 18, 1965) |
Pam Gray |
* |
Benny Greatorex, donated recordings of Dick Shurman's "Urban Blues" |
* |
Bruce Greeley |
George Green |
Mitch Green, Antioch intern 1969 |
Richard Andrew Carson Greene, announcer/engineer See also Campaign for Land Commissioner (d. Nov 22, 1996) |
Jeff Greinke |
Malcolm Griffith |
Leoni Groper |
Ann Gruchawka |
Dorothy Grupp (program guide typist Aug 1979 - 1982) |
Julio Guerrero |
Don Gunnette, printer of the guide |
Cruz Gutierrez, Nuestra Ovia Realidad |
Bob Gwynne, jazz for a Sunday afternoon (d. Aug 2005) |
Judith Hadley |
Gray Haertig, announcer/board op 1966-1968 |
Carlos Hagen (d. Jul 12, 2010) |
Ronald Hainline |
Jeri Hamley |
Marilyn Hamlin |
Bill Hammersla |
Bill Hammond |
Ralph Hammond |
Rick and Melody Haney |
Dave Hannon |
Herb Hannum, just jazz, architect in residence - Herb writing about deserts in RALPH |
Bill Hanson, commentary, jsmf trustee See also: Western Friend (d. Oct 14, 2012) |
Doug Hanson, call-in |
Anjetta Hardison, The Gospel Hour |
Jim Harper |
Bernie Harret |
Joanne Harris |
Julie Harris, progrm director |
Tody Harris |
Greg Harrop |
Lu Harshman |
Roy Harvey |
Jim Hatfield, late night music and readings, engineering |
Phyllis Hatfield |
Sam Hausfather |
Barbara Hayes, KRAB Bandwagon |
Howard Hays |
Bud Havlisch (d. May 6, 2010) |
Peggy Helander, office manager |
Ken Heller |
Della Hennessee |
Mike Henryson |
Bruce Herbert |
Maury Herman |
Jim Hernandez |
Scott Herrick |
* |
Geoffrey Hewings, announcer, Seattle Symphony reviews, and more |
Janet Hews, children’s program and radio theatre (Dec 24, 1928 - Sep 25, 2021) |
Peggy Hickox |
Lisa Hicks |
Luke Hiken |
Gordon Hills |
Jamie Hix, programmer |
Steve Hodes |
Colleen Hogan |
Irwin Hogenauer, commentary |
Peter Hogue, the film review |
Brian Hodel |
Margaret Hollenbach, program director, indian music, jsmf trustee |
Matt Holmes |
Doug Honig |
* |
Robert Horsley |
Doug Hosner |
Michael Houston |
Lorraine Howell |
Charles Howlett, chief engineer |
Susan Howlett |
Dennis Howson |
Traff Hubert, Traff's Trip (d. May 24, 2001 - In the NW Music Archive |
Eric Hummel - chief engineer |
Andrew Hummel |
Steve Hunt (Dec 23, 1948 - Sep 20, 2008) |
Judi Hunter |
Kay Hutchins, Conversations About This, That & The Other Thing |
Dave Ingebright, board op, engineering |
Asaph Israel, chief engineer |
* |
Sarah Jacobus |
Gene Jaleski, Music of India, Classical, 1969 |
Dick Jameson, the film review |
Robert Jangard |
Raymond Jarvi |
Frank Jenkins |
Pamela Jennings, spoken arts, guide editor |
Rex Jennings, volunteer board op 1972 |
Clement Jiminez |
Karen Johansen (city council hearings) |
* |
Bryan Johnson |
David Johnson |
Galen Johnson |
Jeff Johnson, construction |
* |
Gene Johnston, public affairs and scandal, softball organizer |
Gretchen Johnston |
Sidney Johnston |
Doug Jorgenson |
Dick Kamp |
Sinon Karasu, Music of Turkey |
Charles Karpuk |
Fred Katz, volunteer, Earth Music/Third World Music; Gospel Pearls; Doo-Wop; Attention High Rollers and Arrested Adolescents! |
Robert Kauffman, ethnic music, (Jun 14, 1929 - Aug 9, 2017) |
Lloyd Kautz |
Stephen Kayser |
Stan Keen, music of the twentieth century (d. Jun 5, 2011) |
* |
Nancy Keith, dry slough road, program director, jsmf trustee, film review |
Randy Kent |
Joseph Keppler |
Hussein Khreis |
Melodie Kinane |
Louise Kincaid |
Bill Kirk, 3rd class operator around 1968 |
Phil Klein, commentary |
Kim Knierim did a panel with Herb Hannum and Gene Johnston (Sep 7, 1967) |
* |
Charles Krafft, engineer, program guide artist (1947 - Jun 12, 2020) |
Frank Krasnowsky, the sunday comics, left press review, commentary |
Maris Kundzins |
Marcus Kunian |
Jeff Kutler |
Eugene Lai |
Henry Lai |
Dennis Lam |
Janet Lam |
David Lamb, music programing |
Susan Landgraf |
Shirley Sprenger Lange, volunteer 1967-1971, Lightnin' Hopkins SFS event |
* |
Jeremy Lansman, first staff, chief engineer, wizard of the electron (AnchoragePress) |
Leslie Larsen |
Scott Larson, international news |
Mari Lawless |
Molly Lawless |
Bob LeClaire |
Hal Lee, general manager |
Kay Lee |
* |
King Lee, CMC |
Tony Leita |
Matt Lennon |
Anna Leone |
Ken Levine |
* |
Herb Levy |
Nick Licata |
Fred Lieberman, jsmf trustee |
Lim Chew-Pah |
Linera Rey Lucas, chauffeur |
Nancy Lipsett |
Bill Little |
* |
George Liu, CMC |
Jim Lobe, jsmf trustee, international news |
Jim Loeb |
Buddy Logan |
Pam Lowe |
Linera Lucas |
Rosendo Luna |
Ken Lund |
David MacDonald, public affairs |
John Macdonald |
Lindsay MacDonald |
Anne MacFadden, listener |
John Madsen |
Sharon Maeda, General Manager |
Rick Maedler, station manager |
Robin Magowan, Poetry Program |
Khamkeo Malaythong |
Marguerite David Margason, children’s program |
* |
Gary Margason, station manager, jsmf trustee, founder |
Susan Marshall-Mish'alani |
Michael Marti |
David Martin |
Sonny Masso, Con Salsa |
Jo Maynes |
Randy McCarty, the morning show |
Annie McDonald |
Karen McDougall |
* |
Mike McKeag, the afternoon program |
Chris McNerney |
Lindsay McDonald, bijou theatre |
Kate McGann |
Darrel McMichael |
Kristin Means |
Chris (Christian Gustav) Melgard, British Periodicals, board op and announcer (Aug 10, 1922 - Jul 12, 2016) |
Pat (Patricia) Sevringhaus Melgard, reading for children (Nov 8, 1925 - Mar 16, 2020) |
David Meltzer, home movies |
Collette Menasian |
Steve Menasian, chief engineer, jsmf trustee, the white noise special |
David Mendoza |
Molly Mettler |
Hadrian Micciche |
Jeff Michka, news |
Ed Mignon, Education of a Record Collector (d. Jan 17, 2012) |
Ivars Mikelson |
Joyce Mikelson |
* |
Lorenzo Milam, founder (Surviving Geezerhood) (RALPH) (Aug 2, 1933 - Jul 19, 2020) (NYT) |
Gary Miller |
Phil Miller |
Don Mills |
Chris Minerd |
Rich Minor |
Jim Mish’alani |
Susan Mish’alani |
Karen Mistell |
Eileen Michel |
Bob Michell |
Thane Mitchell |
Robert Mittenthal |
Daryl Moegling, maintenance |
Leslie Mohrman |
Liz Mong |
Liz Monge |
Al Mooser, commentary |
Larry Moreland |
Terry Morgan, jsmf trustee |
Glenn Munger |
* |
Phil Munger, news director, morning man see also Progressive Alaska Blog |
Weston Munro |
Asaph Murfin, chief engineer |
Kathleen Murphy |
Margo Murphy |
Vilma Naguit |
Hiroshi Nakano |
Ernie Nash, jsmf trustee (d. Dec 5, 1997) |
Tom Nast |
Marjorie Nelson |
Rick Nelson |
Bob Newman, "Rational Inquirer", 1978-1981 |
* |
Assunta Ng, CMC |
White Noise |
William Noll, music director |
Kay Norton |
Helen Norton, jsmf trustee (d. Jul 11, 2002) |
Rachel-Diane Norton |
Richard Norton (d. May 12, 2011) |
Kenneth Novic |
Byron O’Hashi |
Shirley Oberg, KRABgrass |
John Ochs, Tappin' the Barrel |
Frank Olin |
Eugene Olson, guide cover artist |
Marc Orgel, production manager, Antioch intern 1972 (d. Mar 22, 1973) |
Robert Orlando |
Bill Osborne, KRAB Bandwagon |
* |
Simon Ottenberg, african periodicals, the africa program, jsmf trustee |
Shan Ottey |
Dick Palm |
* |
Cathy Palmer, Bookkeeping |
Gregory L Palmer, The Sunday show, station manager, humanist (d. May 8, 2009) |
Suzanne Palmer |
Jim Paradis |
Dick Parker, a child’s garden of vegetables |
Elfed Parry, "Yesterday's Sunshine 1975-1976" (d. Jan 4, 2009 |
Jim Parsons |
Dennis Partlow |
Patchman (Bob Deardorf), production manager |
Dean Paton - public affairs director |
Colleen Patrick |
Halina Pawl |
Rae Pearson |
Dale Van Pelt, commentary |
Pia Perniciaro, Bijou Ensemble |
Barbara Peten |
Dean Petrich, environment |
Phil Harmonic, Ham Radio Hours |
William M "Bill" Pierce, KRABgrass (Apr 6, 1932 - Feb 5, 2008) |
Pam Piering |
Vic Pineta |
Stoney Pink, bijou theatre |
Kimson Plaut |
Pamela Plumb, program director |
Bob Poll, children’s reading |
Jeff Poskin |
Vicki Potter |
Les Price |
Nashira Priester, core staff/Program Director, 1981 (d. May 6, 2021) |
Janos Prohaska, gorilla |
John Prothero, commentary, jsmf trustee |
Steve Putnam |
Joan Rabinowitz |
Stephen Rabow, Your Unpopular Hit Parade |
Jerry Rahn |
Gordon Rain |
Mike Ramey |
Penny Rand |
Joe Rastatter |
Rick Ray, Antioch intern 1973 |
Cheryl Read, promotions mngr/develop (fundraising) dir |
Leon Reed |
Rita Rega |
Mike Reilly |
Chuck Reinsch, eng/announcer, sta manager, jsmf trustee |
Kenneth Rexroth |
Jane Reynolds, antioch intern, board operator |
Lowell Richards, ear to the ground, jazz now (SeaTimes: Black Panthers) (d. Feb 24, 1970) |
Tom Robbins, notes from the underground |
Bob Rogen, Sound Over Matter |
John Rogers |
Maury Roller |
George Romansic (d. Jan 25, 2015) |
Mike Roney |
Annie Rose |
Betsy Rose |
Pasco Rose |
Chaim Rosemarin |
John Ross, KRAB, KBOO, Seattle Folklore Society... See also (d. Apr 6, 2009) |
Roswell, roswell’s rut |
Larry Rouch |
* |
Dave Rowland, jsmf trustee, engineer/announcer, KBOO manager |
Steve Rubin |
Pat Ruckert, commentary |
Varol Rutenberg |
Harrison Ryker, music director |
Lorraine Sakata, jsmf trustee |
* |
Roger Sale, Writing a History of Seattle, On the Foul Line (1932-2017) |
Rabbi Samuels |
Ali San, the music of turkey |
Allen Sarno |
Maggie Savage, WE Women Everywhere, 1977 Folklife (d. Aug 22, 2020) |
Spiro Savvides (Spyridon “Spiro” Demetrios Savvides) See Greeks in Washington |
Paul Sawyer (d. Jun 23, 2010) |
Michael Scarborough, letter from england |
Leonard Schrieber (program log Mar 7, 1965) |
Philip Schuyler |
Bill Scott |
Jim Searing |
Marianne Sears |
* |
Laurel Sercombe, Archivist, UW Department of Ethnomusicology |
* |
Raymond Serebrin, the robotnor hours (check him out on KPTZ) |
Bill Seymour, production manager |
Charles Shaffer, engineer |
George Shangrow, Music From Anywhere, and other programs (d. Jul 31, 2010) |
Bob Shapiro |
* |
Bruce Shapiro (d. Feb 15, 2022) |
Charles Sharp |
Bill Shepard |
Ken Sher, Antioch intern 1971 |
Hal Sherlock, classic/vintage jazz |
Peggy Sherrill |
Steve Short |
Dick Shurman, urban blues |
Mary Siegel |
Seth Siegal |
Marcie Sillman |
Paula Silverman |
Alfons Simiano |
Libby Sinclair, children’s program, jsmf trustee, program director |
Francisco Siqueiros |
Mark Sison |
Keng Sithivong |
* |
Carol Skyrm |
Jack Slee |
David Smith |
Earl Smith, "Smitty's Old Records" and "The Old Wax Works" (b. Aug 19, 1905; d. Sep 19, 1978) |
Jamie Smith, outside taping director |
Jill Smith |
John Smith, International News |
Stanford Smith, international affairs programming |
Steve Smith |
Dean Smokoff |
James Snydal (d. Feb 5, 2004) |
Laurie Sorenson |
Sheree Sparks |
John W Spellman, commentary (b. 1934; d. Jun 25, 2021) |
Homer E Spence AKA Homer Heterodyne, (b. Mar 14, 1941; d. Jan 18, 1991), Ham Radio Hours |
* |
* |
Marilyn Stablein |
John Stair, commentary |
Paul Stanbery |
Hilary Stanton |
Robert Stanton |
Jay Stickler |
Rob Stitt (Celtic Hours, 1980-1984) |
Stoney |
Darol Streib, thanks for saving all the early program guides |
Todd Summers |
Robert Sund, poetry program, autoharp (d. Sep 29, 2001) |
Herb Sundvall |
Susan Sunflower |
John Suter |
Cindy Swann |
Elliott Swanson, The John Fahey Half Hour, 1971 |
Dawod Sweilem |
Dean Swerdferger |
Allan Swensson, jsmf trustee (d. Nov 7, 2015) |
Tamara Swift, production assistant |
Terry Tafoya, Northwest Indian News |
Chas Talbot, commentary |
Charles Taylor |
Kathryn Taylor, The Music Room (d. Jul 13, 2002) |
Pat Tennant |
Khansene Thauiseth |
Lois Thetford |
Jude Thilman |
Karen Thomas |
* |
Jeffrey R 'Magic Fingers' Thomson |
Sedge Thompson |
Dwight Threepersons |
John Tillson |
Bill Todd |
* | Mike Toennessen, The Peanut Special |
Choy Tok |
Craig Tomashoff |
Gamma Torres |
Peter Tregillus |
Norvel Trosst |
Lee Trousdale |
Mayumi Tsutakawa, jsmf trustee |
Amy Tuss |
David Utevsky - now heard on KBCS |
Alfonso Valenzuela |
Bruce Van Brocklin |
Brenda Vasser |
Nils Von Veh |
Alan Veigel |
Roger Veinus |
Mary Verdery |
Bob Verginia |
Randle Victor |
* |
Joe Vinikow |
Bill Vogel |
John Volf |
John Voorhees (d. Mar 25, 2015) |
Harry Vye |
Jan Wachter |
Dick Wagner, Wooden Boats |
Selma Waldman (d. Apr 16, 2008) |
Bob Waller |
Ed Wapp (1943 - Apr 18, 2016), ethnomusicology, Native American music |
Flo Ware (d. Mar 17, 1981), grass roots panel see also, Flo in the Helix |
John Wasilunksy |
Lars Watson |
Sern Watt |
Tim Weatherly |
Bill Weaver, Monday Night Music |
Tom Weaver |
Burt Webb, 1973-74, Pacific Threshold |
Ruth-Claire Weintraub, late night contemporary chamber music |
Glenn Weiss, radio drama producer |
Steven Welp, "Continuum", 1981-1982 |
Sandy Went |
* |
Robert Weppner, assistant manager |
Dave Wertz, bluegrass (d. 1971) |
* |
Bob West (d. Jul 31, 2016), King Biscuit Time, |
Barry West, the vast wasteland |
John West |
Gordon Whisner |
* |
Gregg Whitcomb, Vintage Rock |
Barry White |
Dave White |
Morris White |
Rory White |
Nick Whitmer, production assistant |
Joanne Wiater |
* |
Michael Wiater, program director |
Art Wicks (d. Nov 10, 2013) |
William Wikstrom |
Dennis Wilbert |
Kenny Wilcotts, Giant Steps |
John Wilkinson (Feb 25, 1948 - Dec 28, 2019), after hours |
Mark Wilkinson |
* | Phil Williams (b. 1937 d. 2017), program (bluegrasss) host, jsmf trusteesee also |
Sean Williams |
Stuart Williams |
Don Wilsun |
Gary Wingert, station manager |
Michael Winkelhorst |
Jeffrey Winston |
Tim Wire, jazz for a Sunday morning |
Stu Witmer, early music, program guide design |
Paul Wittenbrock |
* |
Mary Witter (d. Oct 2015), catalogued program guide cover artists |
Jodi Wolens |
* |
Lily Woo, CMC |
Chris Wong |
Jan Woods |
Adam Woog |
Carolyne Wright |
Dave Wright |
Hannah Wu |
Carla Wulfsburg |
Kim Yee |
Bud Young |
Chris Young |
Glenn Young |
Allen Yonge, flamenco (d. Apr 25, 2009) |
Albert Yu |
Brian Zerr |
Wanted dead or alive - please let me know whom is missing. This is in-progress - the brief descriptions associated with each alumnus will be expanded as my electro-shock treatments progress.
If you possess any souvenirs (program guides, tapes, or photos) or have a story about your experience with KRAB you are willing to share, please email