Ed Zern
A Round-Heeled Woman
George Bush
The American Civil War


Your review of The Best of Ed Zern should go in The Best of Ralph. My reaction was the perfect reaction to a good review, it made me want to read the book.

It is surprising to find good literature in such unlikely places as Field & Stream, but that sort of surprise is what I expect from RALPH.

Like the fishing pole that Zern celebrates, your review may have had a bookworm at one end, but it didn't have a damn fool at the other.

--- John Crigler

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that inspired this letter

Subject: Jane Juska

Is there ANY way to e-mail Jane Juska?

I have to say she opened up whole new, delightful vistas for me, who is 67 going on 68. I am back in the 'world of men' and taking wonderful delight in doing whatever I want to do!

--- Lorraine Zigman

The best way is by writing her
in care of the publisher ---
not by e-mail
(They get so many of these they get ignored.)
Their address is,

%Random House
Third Floor
1745 Broadway New York City 10019

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Lolita made me wake up to one of the worst --- Eternal Treblinka which was sitting there --- to be considered!

Cheers --- and as always her yellow pages are tops!

--- Pancho
Editorial Cuatro Vientos
Casilla 131
Santiago 29

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Dear Sir;

What does President Bush have to do with Gettysburg or the Civil War. Can't you keep your "I hate Bush" to yourself.

I will not be buying this book because of your little political spill pushing it.

If you like President Bush, why don't you leave. I am sure you would love Cuba.

--- Grow up,
Mike Johnston

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