CeremonyYou put your arms around our son
He leans into you
then pulls back into his own life
gliding across the tiles like a figure skaterShould I make breakfast?
Yes you say in unison
I lift down earthenware bowls for blueberry pancakes
Are you sure you have all the ingredients?
but I just start ---
2 cups flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon saltBy the merest luck
the night we met I was reading Kawabata's The Master of Go
and you carried a book of koans in your knapsackI still remember the first one you read to me ---
One day Unmon said to his disciples ---
If you don't see a
man for three days do not
think he is the same man
How about you?No one spoke so he said
One thousand
§ § § NoahOne evening in December I work completing
my portrait of NoahI consider my likeness against the radiance I see ---
the burnished splendor of his body
wrists and ankles crossedOutside there is a maple stripped of every single leaf
doing what it can with the stormOn break I watch its nakedness illuminate
the growing dark ---
what it has in common with NoahEach week for eight weeks
Noah has assumed the same pose
fixed his gaze on a landscape of snow to make my job easierbut what I love is how passion undoes
his diligenceThe vermilion undertone that is a flame
throughout his body
is as wild
as the dance of branches outside the window--- From Flight Patterns
JoAnne McFarland
©2004 Gold Leaf Books
543 Union St. #2B
Brooklyn NY 11215