James Low:
The Mirror of Clear Meaning
My Bloody Life
Dear Editor:I Googled James Low's Being Right Here: A Dzogchen Treasure Text of Nuden Dorje entitled The Mirror of Clear Meaning and your most interesting website came up. I tracked the reference to your issue number 120, but cannot in that issue find the review. Have I missed something? I would be very interested to read it.
In the meantime I got side-tracked several time by fascinating pages and look forward to returning to them in the future.
--- Ruth Rickard
ruth@ruthrickard.comIt turns out that, even though we had reviewed Low's book a year ago, we had failed to link it to our home page. Thus, we have reproduced it in this issue.
RALPH:RE: My Bloody Life
I read both of these books not too long ago and I found them real intresting especially me growing up in that same neighbor hood even the same block as he did damn I think we lived in the same building except I am only 23 now so he's alot older but this was a real good book and if this message does get to him I still wish him well with his life, I belive you can always turn around and honestly this book would make a great movie.
--- glen bisono
elgringo_dominicano@yahoo.comHello,I am a huge fan of your writing! Your books are the best books about ones self that I have ever read!
I am just so thankful for what I have! After I finish reading your books, it just inspires me even more to not get involved in any gang related acts. I hope that I could get a good education, and not fall into the hands of any of the gangs. I want to thank you so much for writing these books, because they are awesome!
From one of your greatest fans of your writing,
--- Isaiah Mendoza