My Bloody Life
Big LiarsRALPH:
Hi my name is Jose I'm a 22 year old male who is looking for a info on a way to contact Reymundo Sanchez to see if I would be able to set something up so he could come and talk to a group of kids from the Boys and Girls club in the Maryland area that are endangered of joining gangs I was thinking of setting up something so he could come in and talk to the kids or set up a phone interview, is there any info you could give me on how I can get in contact with Mr. Sanchez
--- Barahona, Jose
§ § § Subject: About one author you speak.
Excuse me my poor english.
Hi, this messages is for say to you Frank Diaz (quetzalcoatl Gospel writer) Public Accept he has not any antropologhycal studies. He think the ilussion was caused because he say, without prooofs, some of my Programming students say he is antropolgy.
He is not, is a Liar, and recently begin a strange behaviour, and i need report to you because i resepct your company, he say in his own words in spanish have not studies. apologies if i disturb you, but i dont want Mr Diaz think i not repair the damage he say my students do.Anyway, he accept he has not STUDIES AT ALL.
--- Alfonso Orozco