A Second Deathhow many times did he manage to shed
her confidence in his tongue? how many times
did he beat her into the ambivalence of grabbing
a butcher's knive and taking it to his clothes?
how many times did he call her bitch
until the epithet grew teeth?lightning-quick off the bay
thunderheads summon a ritual rattling
cause a chill to the weak pink marrowan afternoon's unruffled sleep following sex
spurs her to resist a murderous urge(at the restaurant they exchanged rages.
she broadsides him with her blackened
Cajun chicken sandwich. he pierces her cheek
with a French fry. she a anoints him with his freshly
poured glass of white Zinfandel and stomps out)there's little time for fear and none for wonder
she determines to leave him
if for a deeper mystery
if for a sweeter silence, if for a deadlier smilebut once through the door, she circles the block
spins as all directions fuse
and the speedometer registers zeronowhere to go and no one waiting
but him--- From Ostinato Vamps
Wanda Coleman
©2003 University of Pittsburgh Press