William Faulkner
Flags in the Dust
To: poo@cts.comRe: Faulkner
great piece about flags in the dust.
I am going to reread it. I forget always forget the plot and characters.
I enjoy reading it.
Have read Sound, Absalom and short stories.
Want to read Light in August, As I lay dying.
--- Jesse Ruiz
esser2@verizon.net§ § § Hi, Jesse:The best is The Sound and the Fury which we mention in the review. Satoris may be second best.
We put an excerpt of Sound up at
www.ralphmag.org/BB/diceman.html And I have a friend who swears by As I Lay Dying.
And I've never forgotten the short stories, especially "The Bear."
Thanks for your note.
--- Lolita LarkGo to the review of
Satoris§ § § Lolita:I guess I don't have a scholar's eye. to remember plot, character and all.
I went to his house to in Oxford, then his grave. All in one afternoon.
Reading your piece, it had also occurred to me how much Garcia-Marquez copies from that in Cien Años de Soledad. And Faulkner's quote about the past never dying. Do you have that quote handy?
Sound I reread while traveling through Italy. Very lonely time, had the book with me on the trains. I will read the bear story too.
--- Jesse