My Bloody Life
To: lolitalark@yahoo.comRe: if you can help please
Hello my name is Stephen Gren. I have read all 3 of Reymundo Sanchez's books, and I thought it was intresting that he did a book on the female perspective of being a member of the ALKQN. I was wondering if he would like to help me write my book its a diffrent not vary apparent perspective of being apart of the ALKQN. Please if you can help me get in contate with him let me know. I feel that my book will help youth understand the consaqaueses for living that lifestyle.
--- Gren Stephen
To: carlosamantea@yahoo.comRe: "My Bloody Life"
Hey my namesz kevin. I was wondering how he's doin now? He remindsz mi a lot of ma friend. He died cuz of gang violence. Nd mii nd him were so tight. Yea I love dis book. I would like to read more like dem. Plz rite baq :) Im in miami bitch
--- OsO
kevin Martinez