A Definition--- For Neil Postman
I hope that you will regard Heaven as just another
Bad argument, and carefully avoid Saint PeterAnd his crafty, semiotic archangels. Make your way
To the back of Heaven's gates, the servant's entranceNear the fiery chariot's metaphorical garage. Ask
That disdainful angel smoking a cigarette (the oneThat looks like Beckett but isn't) to define Heaven
--- no metaphysical diction allowed --- and supplyTextual authority. As he ponders, takes a drag,
And scratches his left wing, resist the ironyOf asking after Wittgenstein's health and tell the angel
You would appreciate an audience with DeathBecause it's always been your favorite abstraction.
Wait until he is bemused, his brow furrowedInto cuneiform-like folds of luminous skin, then begin
Your descent. Head straight for NYU and nod livinglyTo your secretary. Tell her that classes will resume
Tomorrow and that only the baffled need attend;Those students who confuse fact with truth can,
Frankly, go to Hell. And for Heaven's sake, don'tAnswer the phone or the door. Tell her: "I'll be
In my office, with the door locked, noticing things."--- From Arguments for Stillness
Erik Campbell
©2006 Curbstone Press