Poetry Submissions
From: johnridland@gmail.com

TO: poo@cts.com

RE: Book for Review

What would happen if I sent you for review a book of poems, HAPPY IN AN ORDINARY THING, published by Truman State University Press?

Would it be as honestly treated as my friend David Slavitt's CIVIL WARS?

Where would I send it? (Or rather, ask the Press to send it?)

IF you Google me, don't take the chemist in England or the garage owner in Lerwick, Shetlands, Scotland (probably a fairly near cousin). I'm the one in profile looking out a coffee house window in London, where I was born, but left at 3 and grew up in the Flintridge Hills.

--- John Ridland
Santa Barbara, CA 93103

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Hi, John:

Civil Wars was great, and it was a pleasure to publish the review.

Over the last 20 years, we think we have found some great (and rather unknown) poetry. Each issue features 1 - 2 poems, and as often as not, a review of a book of poetry. See, for instance, The Hungry Ear in the current issue.

Send us your book and we'll be happy to look at it.

--- L. Lark
Box 16719
San Diego CA 92176
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