A Bit of Information about
The Reginald A. Fessenden
Educational Fund, Inc.
RALPH is published by The Reginald A Fessenden Educational Fund, Inc.The Fund was established over forty years ago to help finance new, non-commercial, educational radio stations in various parts of the United States.
Over the past few years, the focus of the Fund has shifted, for we've begun to concentrate on a program of critical writings in magazine form and on-line.
Originally, from 1985 to 1990, we published the Fessenden Review, a periodical of book reviews, articles on various timely topics, poetry, and writings about literature.
But because of the great expense of print, and despite the fact that it had received supportive reviews of media writers at The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, and on National Public Radio, we were forced to abandon the quarterly magazine, and, instead, in 1994, we introduced The Review of Arts, Literature, Philosophy and the Humanities.
It appears online, at
www.ralphmag.org/ Since then, we have published, monthly, over 250 issues of the magazine.
Each issue contains book reviews, articles of contemporary interest, readings from current books, and contemporary and classical poetry.
At present, it enjoys over 300,000 hits monthly.
In 2014 we published a hard-cover book, The Noisiest Book Review in the Known World, being a two-volume edition of readings from RALPH. The book was highly praised in several magazines,as well as being cited as "one of the best books of 2014" by Kirkus Reviews.
Earlier this year, we published a second volume, a selection of 125 poems of the "New Neo-Realist School," all drawn from the on-line periodical. That book was again chosen by Kirkus for a star review.
Over the next five years, in the summer of each year, it is our plan to publish five more volumes of the best articles, poems, readings, and book reviews from The Review of Arts, Literature, Philosophy, and the Humanities. These will be issued in high-quality volumes by our publishing arm, Mho & Mho Works, which has been in business since 1973. (It now has a portfolio of fourteen books in print).
Over the years, these titles have been discussed, often with favorable reviews, in such diverse publications as The New York Times, ALA Booklist, the TLS, Library Journal, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, and over thirty other magazines and newspapers.
§ § § Since 1973, the Fund has enjoyed 501(c)3 status as an educational foundation --- from both the Internal Revenue Service and the State of California. Thus, all contributions to The Fund are tax-deductible, and will go to further our dual objectives for vital communication and a literate world.
Contributions specifically earmarked for RALPH: The Review of Arts, Literature, Politics and the Humanities will help defray the editorial and on-line costs of the magazine --- and will serve to make it more widely available to the curious reader. Contributors will also receive a once-or-more-a-quarter foolscap copy of The Folio, highlighting major reviews and articles.
Tax-deductible contributions should be addressed to
The Reginald A Fessenden
Educational Fund
Box 16719
San Diego, California 92176