The ague that has shaken the Dow Jones Industrial Average has also shaken our plum tree. We've come to the point where we can no longer afford to pay our most important employee.Sharon Worth has been with us for twenty years. She takes care of all the things that our editors could never possibly do in a thousand years. She writes the checks, tends to our spelling, handles the mailing of the FOLIO, brings in the egg-rolls for lunch, picks up the incoming books from the post-office, and makes sure we file IRS and state tax forms. She also, on occasion, darns our socks.
We are very reluctant to part with her because it will mean that RALPH will lose much of its order, not to say its stability. Therefore, we are asking our readers to help us:
- Consider making a regular pledge to our foundation, The Reginald A. Fessenden Fund (see form on the next page of the FOLIO).
- If our fund-raise efforts fail, and if you can help Ms. Worth find an appropriate job, please call us at (619) 280 - 3488. We can guarantee that you won't regret it.
- If you don't want or need this magazine, rip off the part of the envelope with your name and address and mail it back to us. We'll take you off the list (and in that way, we'll save on future postage and printing).
--- L. W. Milam
![]() RALPH Box 16719 San Diego CA 92176
Dear RALPH: I have read of your problems and I am troubled. I understand you need funds to keep the kindly Ms. Worth on the payroll. I would like to pledge something so that you and your organization will not fall apart and so I can continue to receive mailings of The FOLIO and, as always, find you on the internet. I understand as a reward you will send me a free copy of A Cricket in the Telephone (At Sunset) --- poems from the late Fessenden Review --- and any other books in the MHO & MHO catalogue that I might want. Please sign me up for a pledge of $_______/ month. NAME: _______________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________
CITY/STATE/ZIP: ______________________________ |