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Richard A.C. Greene and the Campaign for Land Commissioner
Strictly speaking (do I really need to say that?), this was not a KRAB event. But the cast of characters that put the campaign together were the same ones responsible for the spirit of KRAB, so it is fair to include it here.
In 1968 friends of Richard AC Greene, seeking a candidate of integrity and experience, drafted him to run for the office of Land Commissioner. His platform included the promise "I shall be the sort of Land Commissioner who will go out fearlessly and commission the land".
You can read Lorenzo Milam's version of the campaign in The Myrkin Papers (chap 18, “Politics”), or in the slightly edited version published in RALPH Nbr 286, Early Summer 2017.
Campaign Rally November 2, 1968
Here is a recording of the rally held at the Warren G Harding Memorial Bandstand, as it existed in Woodland Park*.
The speakers are (in order of appearance) Gary Margason (Campaign Minister of Defense), Byron Coney (Campaign Adjutant General), Jon Gallant (Campaign Research Director), Lorenzo Milam (Campaign Chairman), Gene Johnston (Campaign Manager), and, last and loudest, Herb Hannum (Campaign Minister of Propaganda).
LAND COMMISSIONER HI-U POW- WOW - A speechifying rally behind the Great Ape House at the Woodland Park Zoo in spite of Richard A.C. Greene. Held atop the Warren G. Harding Memorial Bandstand and Storage Area. November 2 before the victory.
Listen now - Richard AC Greene Rally - Rec Nov 2, 1968; KRAB Nov 23, 1968 (1:00:48)
Recording courtesy Byron Coney
Above, Campaign Chairman, and Engineer in Chief, Lorenzo Milam addressing the multitude. (Photo courtesy David Rowland)
* From the "Chronological History of Woodland Park Zoo", on the park's website:
1923 - President Warren G. Harding spoke to a huge crowd at Woodland Park. Don Sherwood, who attended, says there were 30,000 Boy Scouts present. There was, at any rate, a group of Boy Scouts attending the National Jamboree. Byron Fish recalled that the Boy Scouts were ranked in front of Harding ("as protection"). This was Harding's last public speech before his death in San Francisco on August 2nd.
1925 - Harding Memorial completed. It was a large concrete bandstand, with bas-relief sculptures of boy scouts and the late president. When the African Savanna was constructed, a large hole was dug next to the memorial, and it was simply tipped into the hole and buried.

Music and sound punctuation provided by The Great Excelsior Jazz Band, with Ray Skjelbred, piano; Mike Duffy bass; Bill Lovy, guitar; and Howard Gilbert drums. (Photo courtesy David Rowland)
The songs composed for the campaign by Ray Skjelbred, Mike Duffy, and Howard Gilbert were released an a 33rpm EP, where they were assisted by Anne Skjelbred and Wendy Duffy.
"When Richard Greene Walks Down the Street"
"Everybody's Talking 'Bout Richard Greene"
"Dick Greene is Stumpin'"
Listen now - Greene Campaign Songs performed by the Great Excelsior Jazz Band (3:14)
Recording courtesy Ray Skjelbred

Left to right, Gary Margason, Jon Gallant, Gene Johnston. (Photo courtesy David Rowland)
Election night at the Olympic Hotel: Supporters of Richard AC Greene on the occasion of his defeat, being consoled by Campaign Chairman Lorenzo Milam. (Photo, Seattle Post Intelligencer)
Other campaign highlights (links to pdf documents)
From The Seattle Times, Nov 6, 1968
For more about the rally see Richard AC Greene Rally in the news
If you possess any souvenirs (program guides, tapes, or photos) or have a story about your experience with KRAB you are willing to share, please email
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