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The Robotnor Hours with
Ray Serebrin
Between 1967 and 1969 Rory Funke, Tom Robbins, John Cunnick, Paul Sawyer, and Jeremy Lansman had managed to not only regularly play American Popular music (you can call it rock and roll), but to get it thoroughly entrenched in the late night program schedule. Ray's first show appears to have been 8 to 9pm on Friday Nov 21, 1969. Whatever he did that night (to please then music director Bob Friede), was immediately followed by Lorenzo Milam reading from the Reader's Digest edition of "War and Peace", or at least that's what the guide says. On Sunday a week later (Nov 30) Ray reappeared at 11:30, but it was still "The Robotnor Hour". In Mar 1970 an "s'" was added to "Hour" extending the show to 1:30am, when "Roswell's Rut" would commence.
Ray has shared a number of tapes. Listen closely and you will hear the sounds of the transmitter blowers just outside the control room, and one of KRAB's Ampex tape decks squeaking its way to extinction.
These days Ray is the host of Mid Life Crisis Dance Party, heard on KPTZ , 91.9 Port Townsend, or on the internet, Thursdays from 3 to 5pm.
The programs are presented below in chronological order.
The Robotnor Hours - KRAB Jul 4, 1971
Ray Serebrin putting together what's left of what's happening. That sounds better than it reads, and so does Ray.
It is Jul 4, 1971. Ray is 45 years younger. He worries about Trigger and Dale and then tells the story of Sherlock Holmes and the Lady with the Necklace. What would the Fourth be without Kate Smith belting out "that song"? Guaranteed to synchronize with your fireworks.
R oswell wants to know where the jazz is.
Listen now - The Robotnor Hours with Ray Serebrin - KRAB Jul 4, 1971 (54:35)
Recording courtesy Ray Serebrin, RS0012
The Robotnor Hours - Ray Serebrin rides again - KRAB Aug 1, 1971
Ray Serebrin would like to let everyone in on the fact that he plays rhythm and blues, as well as rock and jazz. Now, that's something.
or, from April 5, 1970: Ray Serebrin's name spelled backwards is Nirberes. His first name, spelled backwards, is year, misspelled. Rock spelled backwards isn't worth worrying about, and bizarro s.b. is Orrazib, a famous flamenco guitar player. Put that in your Knuf and Sllangaw.
Listen now - The Robotnor Hours with Ray Serebrin - KRAB Aug 1, 1971 (55:17 in mellifluous monophonic)
Recording courtesy Ray Serebrin, RS0010
The Robotnor Hours - KRAB Aug 8, 1971
Ray Serebrin with
rhythm and blues.
There are two kinds of people: Those that listen to The Robotnor Hours, and those that don't. Everything you need to know about tautology.
1970's radio in its second year.
Listen now - The Robotnor Hours with Ray Serebrin - KRAB Aug 8, 1971 (55:17)
Recording courtesy Ray Serebrin, RS0006
The Robotnor Hours - Ray Serebrin - KRAB Apr 2, 9, or 16, 1972
Tonight here's the award winning Doctor Robotnor AKA Ray Serebrin cooking up his secret recipe for for stuffed Trigger and Dale. Then Love meets God on Woodlawn, and its all wrapped up in another serving of stuffing by Kate Smith.
The microphone circuit had a terrible hum. All attempts to remove it, the hum, proven futile.
Listen now - The Robotnor Hours with Ray Serebrin - KRAB Apr 2, 9, or 16, 1972 (48:15)
Recording courtesy Ray Serebrin, RS0008
The Robotnor Hours - KRAB Memorial Day Eve 1970, 1971, or 1972
. . . . .Now, with Part 2, and a hint of Roswell
Sometimes tape boxes have labels, sometimes they don't. Sometimes the labels include dates, other times they.......The label of this 10 inch reel says it is "The Robotnor Hours Part 1", with the notation "Celestial Sound", which was Bob Friede's attempt at a music recording and production enterprise.
Lacking details on the label, one can sometimes gather enough from the content of the recording to figure out when it was made. About the only clue I could find on this tape is three minutes in when Ray says it will be Memorial Day in about 52 minutes. It doesn't help much since even before the Uniform Monday Holiday Act (effective 1971), Memorial Day was commemorated on a Monday. Between 1970 and 1972, The Robotnor Hours started at 11:00 pm Sunday and ran until 1:00 or 1:30 am Monday. So this recording may have been made May 24, 1970, May 30, 1971, or May 28, 1972.
In Part 2 Ray tells us what he thinks of hype, and looks at his shoes as the tape deck rumbles into the night making this very recording. "Sure is hot in here", says Ray as he strips down to basics. Dogs invent the cocktail party, and Ray looks for his pockets discarded on the floor. Ends with a minute of Roswell's Rut.
Listen now - The Robotnor Hours with Ray Serebrin - KRAB Memorial Day Eve in the 1970's (63:15)
Listen now - The Robotnor Hours with Ray Serebrin - Part the second (56:42)
Recording courtesy Ray Serebrin, RS0002 and RS0003
The Robonor Hours - Its Marathon Time LIVE with Hedy Lamar Harrington - KRAB Dec 3, 1972
Because this recording was found on a tape immediately following the Firesign Theatre broadcast of Nov 6, 1972, I am dating it to the marathon held the following month, Dec 1 to 10, 1972. The guide says Ray Serebrin rocks, jazzes & blue-hoos, served up with Ray's well-thought-out thoughts.
Can you answer the question, which Phil was it, Ray, in 1947, was "4 days a part from"? Tad Cook has provided the answer: Phil Miller, AKA Phil Harmonic. Tad, your brass figlagee is in the mail.
Bob West plays the hundred dollah blues. . . hear again the story of Ann, who "was different in an odd sort of way" . . . the Kazoos come out to play . . . tonight its all about money . . . money . . . money . . . we need money . . . and Captain Kilocyle testifies.
Lilsten Now - The Robotnor Hours with Ray Serebrin - KRAB Dec 3, 1972 (50:42)
Recording courtesy Will Estill, WE0007
The Robotnor Hours with . . . A Postcard From Mexico! and Fathers Day! - KRAB Jun 17, 1973
Hola from paradiso!! I hope you're holding the fort down . . . that it's not holding you down!!! There's some irony in a game the children here play . . . They take an old 33-1/3 record and throw
it like a frisbie . . into the rocks . . . until it breaks . . . I can only smile. Last night "Los Musicos" entertained on la plaza - a bizarre cross between Ritchie Valens and Santo & Johnny. An old Indian woman was breast-feeding her grandchild.
Zihuatanejo, Mexico
Lilsten Now - The Robotnor Hours with . . . A Postcard From Mexico! and Fathers Day! - KRAB Jun 17, 1973 (88:51)
Recording courtesy Raymond Serebrin, RS0001
The Robotnor Hours Presents: The Pencils - KRAB Jul 8, 1973
A live performance of the musical drama, "Jerry You're A Big Boy, Now", by Hart, Minkler and Riggins.
The Pencils are James Hart, voice; Rich Riggen, voice and guitar; Gary Minkler, alto voice; Brian Smith, electric bass; Stuart Laughlin, drums.
Produced by Raymond "don't stop now" Serebrin, and Recordist Bob "Spider" Friede.
Listen now - The Robotnor Hours Presents The Pencils with Jerry You're a Big Boy Now - KRAB Jul 8, 1973 (25:41)
Recording courtesy the Jack Straw Foundation, M1371
The Robotnor Hours - KRAB Dec 2, 1973
Dr Robotnor presents The Dancing Chicken, the Turkey Blues, the headlines, and a special message from Nils Von Veh all the way from Bellingham.
Listen now - The Robotnor Hours with Ray Serebrin - KRAB Dec 2, 1973 (49:39)
Recording courtesy Ray Serebrin, RS0005
If you possess any souvenirs (program guides, tapes, or photos) or have a story about your experience with KRAB you are willing to share, please email
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