R  A  L  P H
  The Review of Arts, Literature, Philosophy and the Humanities

Number 121

Early Fall 2004

Rosario Tijeras of Medellin
New York Public Schools and Corporal Punishment
Edweard Muybridge and
The Origins of Time-Lapse Photography

The Mystique of Enlightenment
"We are not created
for any grander purpose than
the ants that are there
or the flies that are hovering around us
or the mosquitoes that are
sucking our blood."

The Last Day of the War
"How much will
reparations amount to in the end?"
"The Americans say twenty-five billion.
We say one hundred.
The French say two hundred..."
"Very well, I shall report that the British
are four times as mad as the Americans,
but only half as mad
as the French."

Ingrid Caven and Rainer Fassbinder
"I think that this is
just another fantasy of the author.
It is, more probably,
a film by Fassbinder,
disguised as a novel."

Great Reviews of the Past
World Enough and Time
"The only positive thing
to come out of this morass
of vague speculation and hideous Lit-Speak
was a fantasy (not his but our own)
wondering what would it be like
to have someone in the current U. S. Congress
who would have the wit if not the nuts
to write the likes of
To His Coy Mistress."

Fall-Out Shelters of the World
Tibetan Views of Death and Bardo
Victorian Exploration in Equatorial Africa

A Round-Heeled Woman
RALPH Magazine and the Other RALPH

Great Articles of the Past
How Terrorism Works

"Terrorism works.
It has worked this time.
Already Osama bin Laden's specific concerns
are being addressed with vigor, just as IRA demands
rocketed to top priority
following the bombing of
Canary Wharf."

The Stranger in Our Midst
"We must pity our poor battered America,
brood on our willingness
to give free rein
to this godzilla
who rapes the hearts and
souls of our innocents

Any Boys Want Flogging?
"The soutane sleeve
swished again as the pandybat
was lifted and a loud crashing sound
and a fierce maddening tingling
burning pain made his hand shrink
together with the palms and
fingers in a livid quivering mass."

The Bardo of Becoming
"Sipa is the last
of the death bardos,
and it may not be until this bardo
that we begin to realize
that we have died.
Apparently some people
don't realize it even here and
may go on for a long time
thinking they are still alive."

Two by Roy Fuller
January 1940
"Coleridge was a dope.
Southwell died on a rope.
Byron had a round white foot.
Smart and Cowper were put
Away. Lawrence was a fidget.
Keats was a midget."

"How many doors will this man open
And stand with his skull against the light
And move his reddened eyes like hyphens
On the right parchment of his face."


A complete list of all books reviewed in RALPH,
arranged by title, including author, subject, and publisher,
plus a listing of all readings, articles and poems
that have appeared since 1994.

of our most notorious reviews
as collected in the hard-copy

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The Reginald A. Fessenden Educational Fund, Inc.

Lolita Lark, Editor-In-Chief
Post Office Box 16719
San Diego CA 92176


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