The Review of Arts, Literature, Philosophy and the Humanities |
Granny Wallon's Wines
"Granny Wallon made wine as though demented,
and no doubt, if given enough sugar and yeast,
could have made a drink out of a box of old matches."
"Serenely unkempt were those final years,
free from confict, doubt or dismay,
while she reverted gently to a rustic simplicity
as a moss rose reverts to a wild one."
The Bath
"Wonderful and most EXCELLENT agaynst all diseases of the body
proceeding of a MOIST CAUSE as Rhumes, Agues, Lethargies, Apoplexies,
The Scratch, Inflammation of the Fits, hectic flushes, Pockes, deafness,
forgetfulness, shakings and WEAKNESS of any Member
---Approved by authoritie, confirmed by Reason and daily tried by experience."
Paris Painters
"Lowelito said the buildings were leaning that way
because the artist had complete freedom. He said the artist
could lean his buildings any way he pleased, because
once they got into his painting they belonged to him."
Remember You Must Die
"One factor is constant in all your reports. The words,
'Remember you must die.' It is, you know, an excellent thing
to remember this, for it is nothing more than the truth."
A Love Poem for Wally Miller Who, in a Fit of Despair,
Drove His Electric Wheelchair Into the Family Swimming-pool
"Well, Wally. You certainly made a splash.
I think you should have gotten the Olympic Gold
For that classic one-and-a-half gainer."
"His words were occupying armies
Her laughs were an assassin's attempts
His looks were bullets daggers of revenge
Her glances were ghosts in the corner with horrible secrets..."