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Marriage: The First Step Toward Divorce - KRAB Apr 25, 1974

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Marriage: The First Step Toward Divorce - KRAB Apr 25, 1974

Are you happily married? Who cleans the toilet bowl in your house? What are the origins of these problems? . . . a discussion of the institution of marriage and the emotional problems of divorce. Produced by the Great Western Radio Conspiracy.

The "Great Western Radio Conspiracy" - What and who was it?

The Great Western Radio Conspiracy appears to have been patterned after the "Great Atlantic Radio Conspiracy" (GARC), which was described in an advertisement placed in Fifth Estate #273, June 1976:

"The Great Atlantic Radio Conspiracy is a political radio group producing weekly half-hour programs of political analysis and the radical arts. Programs blend script, interviews, field recordings and political music. We focus on current struggles, repression and resistance, revolution and radical alternatives, the radical arts and the building of a political culture. We also produce and distribute a monthly review of the underground and alternative media. We have a free annotated catalog of over 120 of our programs. Contact us at: The Great Atlantic Radio Conspiracy, 2743 Maryland Ave., Baltimore MD 21218"

Howard J Ehrlich (1932-2015) was a sociologist, educator, author, and founder of the Prejudice Institute. He was the author of a number of books about social anarchism, anarchy, ethnoviolence, and related topics. In 1972 he cofounded GARC as collective, and shortly thereafter their weekly program was being distributed on NPR. It is unclear how long NPR aired the program, but it ran on WBJC-FM from 1972 to 1992.

In 1974 KRAB was an NPR affiliate and aired the GARC program. It can be found in the KRAB program guides of Apr and Jun 1974.

During the same period there were two programs aired on KRAB credited to the "Great Western Radio Conspiracy": "Surfacing, a show for women", and "Marriage: The First Step Toward Divorce".

On the "Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press" web site, in describing the Development of Communication Networks Among Women, 1963-1983, Martha Allen writes in Chapter 7 (Expanding Network Outreach Through Various Forms of Media):

"In Seattle, a women’s collective produced programming and affiliated themselves with the Great Western Radio Conspiracy, another women’s radio collective in Seattle involved in the socialist and feminist movements. Seattle was also the home of the Lesbian Feminist Radio Collective which aired programs for KRAB-FM and exchanged or sold tapes at non-profit prices with others."

In a document developed by "Feminists Northwest" (5038 Nicklas Place NE, Seattle, WA 98105) and titled Planning for Free Lives: Curriculum Materials for Combating Sex Stereotyping in Home Economics, Family Living, & Career Awareness Courses, in a section devoted to this program is offered:

"Marriage: The First Step to Divorce" and "A Diamond is Not Forever: Divorce in America." Each is 30 minutes long, and includes commentary, interviews, music, poetry. Made by the Great Western Radio Conspiracy. For more information: 226 13th Ave East, Seattle WA 98102, Apt. C. Call 206-323-5332. Cassette price for each: $2.50 for individuals,
$5 for libraries.

Feminists Northwest was a "nonprofit education group working to end sex discrimination in schools and society." In 1976 "Feminists Northwest" published the book "Hypatia's Sisters, Biographies of Women Scientists, Past and Present" written by Susan Schacher. Started in 1973, the group dissolved in 1984. At that time they donated their materials to the University of Washington Women's Information Center

Well, that's enough background for now, until someone with first hand knowledge comes along.

Credits: Near the end of this recording, the following women are credited as participating in the creation of the program: Neal, Chris, Ellen, Helene, Jane, Mary, Mary Lou, Peg, Sandra, Susan, and Vicki.

If any of you are reading this, please let us know, and maybe you can share some details.

tapelabel[In the interest of full disclosure, during the time this program was broadcast your editor was living in a house where the Seattle Women's Divorce Cooperative had their monthly meetings.]

Listen now Listen now - Marriage: The First Step Toward Divorce - KRAB Apr 25, 1974 (31:44)


Recording courtesy Robert Deardorf, RD0001

If you possess any souvenirs (program guides, tapes, or photos) or have a story about your experience with KRAB you are willing to share, please email

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Last modified 03/30/2021