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THE FOLK SHOW. The music and poetry of Jody Aliesan, for to welcome the springtime. LIVE.
Just because it is Spring outside, doesn't mean it is warm in the KRAB studios.
Listen now - Jody Aliesan on The Folk Show - KRAB Mar 21, 1975 (26:29)
Recording courtesy Phil Andrus, PA0019
THE FOLK SHOW with Phil Andrus.
The tape failed to capture Phil's introductions and announcements, but Southfork is there in KRAB's music studio playing away.
Southfork was Cliff Perry, guitar and dobro; Jack Hansen, banjo and guitar; Gordon Brickett, bass; and Paul Anastasio, fiddle.
Recording courtesy Dennis Flannigan, DF1043
The Folk Show, featuring J. W. McClure ("that boy sure can yodel"). With Phil Andrus.
What it says on the tape label: "J W McClure was born in the Northwest, but has lived for several years in North Carolina. At age 32, he's an ex-choir boy, ex-college student, ex-Methodist minister."
"In this concert, recorded at KRAB, McClure performs a number of Jimmy Rodger songs, as well as several of his own songs."
"A strong voice, and some really outstanding yodeling. McClure accompanies himself on guitar."
For the first 8 minutes it sounds like the microphone was under a blanket, but all is well after that. You can skip the muddy part by going directly to "part 2".
Listen now - J W McClure with Some Yodeling, Singing, and Picking - KRAB Sep 5, 1975 (70:28)
Recording courtesy Jack Straw Foundation, JSF M0225
The Nov 1975 program guide was an abbreviated version, and only has a schedule for the first 9 days of the month. KRAB was having another marathon, and the plan was for regular programmers to work fund raising pitches into their programs.
Here's a program Phil Andrus put together. Apparently, Bryan Bowers (autoharp) and Dan Crary (flatpick guitar) were in Seattle for a concert. Phil invited them up to the firehouse to play, and they came. And Dennis Flannigan, listening at home, taped it. Begins in mid-sentence.
Listen now - Bryan Bowers and Dan Crary Live in the KRAB Music Studio - KRAB Nov 24, 1975 (71:56)
Recording courtesy of Dennis Flannigan, DF1001
Judith and Michael both play guitar and sing songs they have written about life on a communal farm in the Skagit Valley.
As frequently happened, live performances on KRAB sometimes were scheduled after the program guide deadline, so we are unable to say for certain when this program was recorded or aired. Michael provides a clue though when he mentions an article in the Seattle Times which had been published on Oct 5, 1975. We are estimating this was broadcast sometime between late 1975 and mid-1976.
On Aug 1, 1975 KRAB aired an interview about their school: Day Creek School: Alternative Education in a Rural Community. Judith Avinqer and Michael Newlight discuss their elementary school: its history, philosophy, and methods, and comparisons with the typical public school education. We do not have a copy of that interview, but the Seattle Times article can be read here.
Listen now - Judith and Michael Make Their Own Music on The Folk Show - KRAB 1975 - 1976 (91:55)
Recording courtesy J Michael Newlight, MN0001
Recorded live at a wild and wooly KRAB benefit at the Town Tavern in Port Townsend on March 27, 1976. Foot-stomping, whistles and Irish rebel yells, and the band: Frank Ferrrel (fiddle, bodhran and vocals); Mark Graham (vocals, bodhran and harmonica); and Mike Saunders (guitar and vocals). Hot.
The audio is acceptable for the first 70 minutes, and then Mark or Mike swallow the microphone. Hey it's the Town Tavern! Does anyone have any photos?
The last incarnation of the Town Tavern closed in 2010 - See article in Peninsula Daily News.
Recording courtesy Phil Andrus, PA0001;
Photo of Nathanial Davis Hill Building with Town Tavern on first floor courtesy Jefferson County Historical Society
Now a practicing physician in Port Townsend, Bertram Levy is a musician who has managed to mix medical and musical studies, and is at present assembling an Anglo-concertina work book. In this program he visits KRAB with banjo, mandolin, concertina and comments.
Listen now - The Music of Bertram Levy - Produced for KRAB by Phil Andrus - Jul 23, 1976 (85:48)
From the bio on Bertram Levy's website* "He presently splits his time between performing teaching and writing from his home in Port Townsend, Washington and studying bandoneon with Rodolfo Daluisio in Buenos Aires."
(* I wanted to embed a link to his site, but for some reason opening it also opens a google script, so if you want to see his page, here is where you will need to go "".)
Recording courtesy Phil Andrus, PA0002
.....or Sep 19, 1975, or Jun 23, 1978? A sunny afternoon of old time tunes, played by the Last Chance Boys. Them boys is Craig Keene, banjo and fiddle; Buddy Ratner, guitar; Mike Schway, fiddle. Hosted by Phil Andrus.
Phil Andrus is still doing radio. Now on KPTZ in Port Townsend.
Listen now - The Folk Show with the Last Chance Boys (90:46)
Recording from the collection of Dennis Flannigan, DF0259
THE FOLK SHOW - In concert at the Seattle Folklore Society Clubhouse: Mike Seeger, playing fiddle, banjo, mouth harp, guitar and pan pipes, and singing old time songs; and Timber Bound, a group from northwestern Oregon that perform original music in old time style.
Timberbound, comprised of Kim Cunnick, Dave Berge, Hobe Kytr, and Mark Loring, opens the show, and plays for 34 minutes.
Timberbound's 7th number, which happened to be their theme, based on a poem by John Cunnick, unfortunately has an unpleasant thump, most likely caused by the proximity of a heavy foot to a microphone stand. Initially, I had thought to remove the thumps, but it was broadcast with them, so, to be historically honest, I left them in. Also, you Mike Seeger fans will quickly discover that the heavy foot got next to his mic stand too.
Then Mike Seeger performs (47 minutes), joined by someone playing spoons (called "Shelly" on the tape, named in the notes as "C. Majorie"), and, later, by Bertram Levy.
This recording has a special significance for KRAB listeners from the late 60's, as well as for Helix readers, as the band Timberbound features music based on or inspired by poems and songs written and performed by John and Kim Cunnick. In Seattle, John had written for Helix ("Dumptruck Baby"), and had a late night show ("Seepage") on KRAB. At some point, his life took a turn for the wild agrarian and he left Seattle for the relative wilderness of Columbia County, Oregon. It is my understanding that Timberbound did not come into being until after John's death in Jan 1976. And note, there is another, phoenix version of Timberbound today performing John's and Kim's songs as well as others inspired by the original aesthetic.
For more about John Cunnick's life after Helix, and Timberbound old and new, see the articles by Scott Laird in the Vernonia's Voice news and the other links below.
The Timberbound Project Reviving Old Songs - Scott Laird, Vernonia's Voice May 15, 2013
The Boys (and Girls) of Columbia County are Back! - Scott Laird, Vernonia's Voice Feb 5, 2014
TimberBound: A Northwest Legacy Of Songs by Joe Seamons - American Standard
The link to the tape notes, on the right, contains an image of the poster for the 10th anniversary of Helix, May 1, 1977, which also served as a memorial to John Cunnick.
Listen now - The Folk Show with Timberbound and Mike Seeger- Dec 10, 1976 (81:09)
Recording from the collection of Dennis Flannigan, DF1022;
Photograph courtesy Vernonia's Voice; Helix anniverary poster courtesy Paul Dorpat
Malvina Reynolds--You'll Never Forget Her. From a concert recorded at North Seattle Community: many of her songs, and a brief interview with Phil Andrus.
Cannot find a date for the actual concert. Reynolds passed away March 17, 1978.
Listen now - Malvina Reynolds in Concert, with Phil Andrus - KRAB Nov 5, 1979
Recording courtesy Phil Andrus, PA0006
Old-timey music, played by Nancy Shank, Hank Bradley, & Jack the Greek. Music of Ireland, Greece, Yugoslavia and the good ol' U.S.of A.
In a May 1979 guide listing for a Folklife Festival performance, Nancy's last name is spelled "Shenk". Hank Bradley appeared at the 2015 NW Regional Folklife Festival. And, Jack the Greek?
Produced by Phil Andrus
Tuesday Night Concert:
Nancy Shank, Hank Bradley, and Jack the Greek - KRAB
Dec 25, 1979 (60:40)
Recording courtesy Phil Andrus, PA0007
If you possess any souvenirs (program guides, tapes, or photos) or have a story about your experience with KRAB you are willing to share, please email